Git Bash For Mac Catalina
Git Bash; Git Bash is something that we will use for this article. Download the Git on your Windows computer from here and install it with all the default settings. What you get in the end is a terminal window, something like the one below. Simple bash script to create a Bootable ISO from macOS Catalina Install Image from Mac App Store - Clone via HTTPS Clone with Git or checkout with. Thanks Yarnabrina, I have revisited on setting the path on Git executable (following Tools Global Options Git executable /usr/local/git/bin/git) browsed by searching Git, this git happened to be of 2017 date stamp rather than the one I had installed two days back, and this path was accepted and I could configure completely end-to-end. Install git and bash completion: brew install git bash-completion; Add the command return in the previous step in your.bashprofile. Restart your bash sessions once the new tools and configuration are written to your file system. More on this howto.
I have to set up a MacBook Pro fairly often - when starting a new job and when buying a new personal computer. I created this article back in 2015 when I got my first Mac and have been updating it ever since with whatever I need as my job evolves. I'm primarily a full-stack web developer, so most of my needs will revolve around JavaScript/Node.js.
Getting Started
The setup assistant will launch once you turn the computer on. Enter your language, time zone, Apple ID, and so on. The first thing you should do is update macOS to get the latest security updates and patches.
Install the Homebrew package manager. This will allow you to install almost any app from the command line.
Make sure everything is up to date.
Install Apps
Here are some the programs I always install.
Don't install Node.js through Homebrew. Use nvm (below).
Program | Purpose |
Visual Studio Code | text editor |
Google Chrome | web browser |
Firefox | web browser |
Rectangle | window resizing |
iTerm2 | terminal |
Docker | development |
VLC Media Player | media player |
Slack | communication |
Spotify | music |
Postgres | database |
Postico | database UI |
Postman | API tool |
Catalina comes with zsh as the default shell. Install Oh My Zsh for sensible defaults.
Use Node Version Manager (nvm) to install Node.js. This allows you to easily switch between Node versions, which is essential.
Install the latest version.
Restart terminal and run the final command.
Confirm that you are using the latest version of Node and npm.
For later, here's how to update nvm.
Change version
Here's how to switch to another version and use it.
And to set the default:
The first thing you should do with Git is set your global configuration.
Input your config and create some aliases.
With the above aliases, I can run git s
instead of git status
, for example. The less I have to type, the happier I am.
Simplify the process of SSHing into other boxes. Create an SSH config file.
Add the following contents, changing the variables for any hosts that you connect to. Using the below will be the same as running ssh -i ~/.ssh/key.pem
Now just run the alias to connect.
Generate SSH key
You can generate an SSH key to distribute.
Add key.
I don't like a lot of the Apple defaults so here are the things I always change.
To get the Home folder in the finder, press CMD + SHIFT + H
and drag the home folder to the sidebar.
- Set Dark mode
- Make Google Chrome default browser
- Automatically hide and show Dock
- Show indicators for open applications
- Key Repeat -> Fast
- Delay Until Repeat -> Short
- Disable 'Correct spelling automatically'
- Disable 'Capitalize words automatically'
- Disable 'Add period with double-space'
- Disable 'Use smart quotes and dashes'
Security and Privacy
- Allow apps downloaded from App Store and identified developers
- Turn FileVault On (makes sure SSD is securely encrypted)
- Turn Firewall On (extra security measure)
- Change computer name
- Make sure all file sharing is disabled
Users & Groups
- Add 'Rectangle' to Login items
A few more commands to change some defaults.
Application Settings
- Turn off 'Warn before quitting'
- Install uBlock Origin
- Install React DevTools
- Install Redux DevTools
- Install JSONView
- Install DevTools Theme - New Moon
- Set theme to 'Dark'
- Go to
and set Developer Tools Experiments to 'Enabled' - Go to Experiments and select 'Allow custom UI themes'
Visual Studio Code
- Press
and click 'Install code command in PATH'. - Install Prettier
- Install New Moon Theme
- Install GitLens
- Install Highlight Matching Tag
- Install ESLint
- Install Prettier
Keyboard Shortcuts
- Copy Line Down -
- Delete Line -
- Reload Window - Remove Development Mode from When
- Format Document -
- Copy Line Down -
- Full Screen:
(prevents messing with other commands) - Left Half:
- Right Half:
- Set tab to open in same location
That sums it up for my current preferences on setting up a MacBook Pro. I hope it helped speed up your process or gave you ideas for the next time you're setting one up.
Git is a version control system that allows developers to track a project and actively contribute without interfering in each other’s work.
It supports collaboration within a project and helps prevent miscommunication or code clashing between team members. The system tracks and saves snapshots of an evolving project, essentially keeping a history of the development.
Users who install the software on their machines can communicate with each other through the system. An even better solution is collaborating over a centralized source (for example, GitHub) where developers can push and pull changes on the cloud.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to install and get started with Git on Mac.
There are many different ways to set up Git on Mac. If you prefer using a GUI, Git offers a simple installation using the installer for Mac. On the other hand, you can install Git using the terminal with a couple of simple commands.
The easiest way to set up Git is to use the Git installer for Mac.
1. Open a browser and navigate to Git’s official website.
2. You will see a display showing the version number of the latest source release and a download button, as in the image below.
3. Click Download, and it automatically downloads the software package on your system.
4. Find the package and double-click to open the Git installer.
5. Follow the installation wizard and configure Git to suit your development needs. If you are new to version control systems, the best option would be to leave the default settings.
6. Click Install and type in your password if necessary.
7. Confirm once again by clicking Install Software.
With this, you have finished setting up Git on your Mac. Move on to the next step of configuring Git.
There are multiple ways to install Git on Mac via terminal, depending on the development environment or package manager you have on your system.
This guide includes three different options.
If you prefer the terminal, using Xcode is the fastest and easiest way to start working with Git. Its command-line tools include Git in the package.
Users who don’t have Xcode can install it with a single command:
With Xcode running on your Mac, you can check whether Git is also available by prompting for the Git version:
The output should display the latest Git release, as in the example below.
If you do not have Git, it automatically asks you whether you want to install it. Confirm the installation, and Xcode sets up Git.
Another way to install Git is with Homebrew, the package management system for Mac.
Run the following brew
command in the terminal:
Then, check the Git version to verify the installation:
If you are using MacPorts to manage your packages on the system, you can use the port
command to set up Git. New holland tractor manuals free download.
Start by updating MacPorts with the command:
Search for and install the newest Git ports and variants by running the following two commands:
Then, install Git with:
Note: When setting up Git with MacPorts, you can install additional tools you may find useful in the future. Add the bash-completion, svn, and the docs to the command for installing: sudo port install git +svn +doc +bash_completion +gitweb
The next step is to configure Git by adding your credentials to the system. This is important as it helps keep track of which user is committing changes to a project.
Open the terminal and configure your GitHub username:
Then, add your email:
To demonstrate how to work with files on local Git repositories, we are going to create a demo folder and file to work with.
1. First, open the terminal and create a new folder named NewFolder.
2. Then, move into that directory. The path may differ according to the location where you created the new folder.
3. As we want to keep track of changes inside this folder, we need to create a local Git repository for it. Running the git init
command initializes an empty git repository in this particular location. Therefore, run the command:
With this, you have added a hidden folder inside the directory by the name .git.
Note: To see the hidden .git folder, you need to run the command: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
. If you want to hide the folder again, modify the last part of the command by changing the YES to NO).
4. While in the directory NewFolder, type the following command:
This shows the state of the working directory and displays if any changes made inside the directory.
Since the folder we created doesn’t have any files in it, the output responds with: nothing to commit
5. Add some files inside NewFolder and see how the git status changes:
Git Bash For Mac Catalina 10.15
6. Check the status again:
The output tells you there are untracked files inside the directory and lists file1.txt
. Git is tracking the folder in which the file was added, and notifies you that the changes are not being tracked.
7. Prompt Git to track the new file by running:
If you recheck the git status
now, you would see that the file is now being tracked (as it changed from red to green). However, you still need to commit this change.
8. Commit all changes and add a message that describes the commit:
Now, the output tells you the working tree is clean, and there is nothing to commit.
Git Bash For Mac Catalina Island
As you can see, it is not difficult to install Git on Mac. With this tutorial, you should have successfully set up Git and configured it to start working with this version control system.
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